Discover Real Weight Loss (presentation)
Dieting to lose weight is a broken concept. It almost always leads to failure and frustration. Plus dieting often leads into a dangerous cycle that can cause even more weight gain. There is a much better way to lose weight.Watch Now →
Don’t drink calories
Liquid calories are usually sugary drinks likes sodas, sweetened coffees, fruit juices, alcoholic beverages, or energy drinks. These beverages are a source of extra energy which your body will store as fat. I highly suggest that you avoid any sugary drinks. So what do you replace them with? The answer is simple, try water.Read more →
Watch out for Empty Snacks
Snacks can be a big source of daily calories. But if you make sure they are good snacks choices you will feel fuller and healthier. Instead of picking up processed snacks like chips or candies, try food choices such as fruit, vegetables, nuts, yogurts, or whole grain snack bars. These are nutrient rich foods so you will be getting essential nutrients while snacking.Read more →