Don’t drink calories

Don't Drink CaloriesOne suggestion I frequently make is to avoid liquid calories. What are liquid calories?

Liquid calories are usually sugary drinks likes sodas, sweetened coffees, fruit juices, alcoholic beverages, or energy drinks. These beverages are a source of extra energy which your body will store as fat.  I highly suggest that you avoid any sugary drinks. So what do you replace them with? The answer is simple, try water.

If you are hooked on sugary beverages, the transition could be hard. I have heard people complain about head aches, fatigue, and random hunger pains as they make the transition. But trust me, making the switch will be worth it. Start now, make clean fresh water your new beverage of choice. This is a life style change which once made, will greatly reduce the number of calories you consume in a day.

Best of luck!

Watch out for Empty Snacks

Watch out for empty snacksSnacks can be a big source of daily calories. But if you make sure they are good snacks choices you will feel fuller and healthier. Instead of picking up processed snacks like chips or candies, try food choices such as fruit, vegetables, nuts, yogurts, or whole grain snack bars. These are nutrient rich foods so you will be getting essential nutrients while snacking. Also, these are snacks that will create a feeling of fullness and help discourage unneeded eating. Watch out for foods that are high in sugar, sodium, and saturated fats.

If you want more help picking out the best food choice check out

The Water Diet

Here is an easy weight loss tip. Start drinking more water. Drinking more water will replace sugary drinks and reduce your daily calorie consumption.

Water and sugar-free beverages don’t lead to weight gain and can play an important part in healthy weight loss.

Try bringing a water bottle with you where ever you go. Keep one at work, take one in the car, or carry one around with you in your backpack. This is a small change that can make a big difference.

Is Coffee Fattening?

Do you drink coffee?

If you do decided to drink coffee, here are some smart decisions you can make to stay slim. Try drinking coffee the old-fashioned way. Add just a small splash of non-fat milk and a dash of sugar.

Most of the fancy, store-bought coffee drinks contain calorie rich ingredients like whole milk, whipped cream, and/or chocolate. Skipping these extra additives can significantly reduce calories consumed.

Here are some examples from Starbucks, these are all grande size, if milk is added it is 2%

Starbucks Bold Pick of the Day: calories 5

Starbucks Iced Coffee with Milk:  calories 120

Starbucks Caffe Mocha: calories 330

Starbucks Dark Cherry Mocha: calories 400

Remember, Stop Dieting and Live is about life style changes. Make small changes and keep them forever. Changing your morning coffee is just one example, try it out, see if it makes a difference.

Best of luck!