Is Coffee Fattening?

Do you drink coffee?

If you do decided to drink coffee, here are some smart decisions you can make to stay slim. Try drinking coffee the old-fashioned way. Add just a small splash of non-fat milk and a dash of sugar.

Most of the fancy, store-bought coffee drinks contain calorie rich ingredients like whole milk, whipped cream, and/or chocolate. Skipping these extra additives can significantly reduce calories consumed.

Here are some examples from Starbucks, these are all grande size, if milk is added it is 2%

Starbucks Bold Pick of the Day: calories 5

Starbucks Iced Coffee with Milk:  calories 120

Starbucks Caffe Mocha: calories 330

Starbucks Dark Cherry Mocha: calories 400

Remember, Stop Dieting and Live is about life style changes. Make small changes and keep them forever. Changing your morning coffee is just one example, try it out, see if it makes a difference.

Best of luck!