Watch out for Empty Snacks

Watch out for empty snacksSnacks can be a big source of daily calories. But if you make sure they are good snacks choices you will feel fuller and healthier. Instead of picking up processed snacks like chips or candies, try food choices such as fruit, vegetables, nuts, yogurts, or whole grain snack bars. These are nutrient rich foods so you will be getting essential nutrients while snacking. Also, these are snacks that will create a feeling of fullness and help discourage unneeded eating. Watch out for foods that are high in sugar, sodium, and saturated fats.

If you want more help picking out the best food choice check out

Get more nutrition from frozen vegetables

Do you like frozen vegetables? Do you ever cook them in water? There are a few simple ways to insure you are getting all the nutrients from your frozen vegetables.

  1. Don’t add the vegetables to water until it is boiling. You want to make sure they are in the water for the shortest possible time. As vegetables are in the water nutrients like vitamins and minerals can leave the vegetable and go into the water.
  2. Cover the vegetables as you cook them. This will keep any nutrients that leave the foods from evaporating.
  3. Cook them for the shortest time possible. Give them just enough time to get firm and then get them out of the water.

If you follow these simple steps you might notice your frozen veggies have better flavor and texture. You will also be getting more vitamins and minerals in each bite. Enjoy!